2023 country brand awards

ABOUT the awards
Dedicated to building brands, reputations and results for nearly 20 years and being one of the most awarded and best valued consultancy, MARCO is proud to host the second edition of the Country Brand Awards.
The Country Brand Awards are guided through a strict selection process and a weighted voting system, in which countries are assessed on two criteria : doing business and doing tourism.

the methodology
Successful ‘country branding’ follows a rigorous methodology that rests on two pillars: ‘Doing Business’ and ‘Doing Tourism’.
The first aspect, ‘Doing Business’, explores the importance of attitudes around living, working, investing and exporting in a country, whilst ‘Doing Tourism’ examines how a country can create interest in the rest of the world and increase its capacity to position itself as an attractive destination to visit.

Written by MARCO Founder & CEO Didier Lagae, A Country Brand, a Branded Country is the first book on how to build attractiveness to promote investment and attract tourists.
The construction of a Country Brand is based on the two following axes:

The capacity to generate an economic brand powerful enough to attract investors and talents. As well as the promotion of exportations.
The construction of the tourism brand, determined by the capacity to attract tourists and generate economic movement, is based on the following key elements: influence of emblematic companies and brands, population, culture and political and legal considerations.
the shortlist
38 countries have been shortlisted on the capacity to promote tourism, as well as to attract talent and boost exports and foreign investment, which are key elements in the construction of a country brand.
THE jury
JURy chairman
This jury is made up of professionals from the world of communication and is chaired by Country Branding expert Didier Lagae, author of the book "Country Brand, a Branded Country" and founder and Executive Chairman of MARCO.

Ángel Bartolomé, Vice-Rector University of Humanities and Communication San Pablo CEU
Rodrigo Villamizar-Alvargonzález, Head of Strategy for the Americas at Kaiserwetter, former Colombian Minister of Energy and former Colombian Ambassador to Japan
Ángel Alloza, CEO and General Secretary of Corporate Excellence
Sylvie Humbert, Marketing and International Distribution Director at SNCF
Pricila Caied, Marketing General Coordinator, Brazil's Ministry of Tourism
Renato Avanzi, Coordinator of Postgraduate Courses (Master in Transmedia Business Communication) at ESPM
- Escola Superior de Propaganda & Marketing -
Mário Ferreira, CEO Media Capital, Mystic Cruises and Douro Azul
Fabio Zelenski, Marketing Director, São Paulo Convention & Visitors Bureau